News Roundup: Winter Maintenance

5 thoughts on “News Roundup: Winter Maintenance

  1. Ryan December 15, 2023 / 10:02 pm

    Time for Apollo at Nordic Valley to go away. There are going to be some decent used lifts out there this coming year or maybe they can work out a deal with SkyTrac to replace it with something new.


  2. RandyM December 16, 2023 / 7:06 am

    Never could understand the Nordic Valley expansion. Apollo has had issues for awhile. And who builds a 6 pack with its only access is by an old problematic double? This should be MCP #1 priority for upgrade in 2024….and before buying any other areas. But then again I’m still waiting for some $$ to be put in at Hesperus.


    • Thomas Jett December 16, 2023 / 3:37 pm

      IIRC the 6 pack was planned and built while MCP was working on that mega resort plan that would have Nordic Valley span all the way to North Ogden on the other side of the mountains. They wanted it to be their flagship resort, and the 6 pack plus the related terrain expansion would serve to build momentum reputation-wise.


      • ryand1407 December 16, 2023 / 8:49 pm

        I think the stated goals were to be competitive with Powder Mountain and Snowbasin in (lift acceased) size and quality terrain. In the process becoming MCP’s shiny new flagship resort.

        But with the purchase of Valle Nevado they have a new diamond in the rough. They’ve already stated lofty goals of French Alps sized acreage expansion and vertical approaching 10k’ summiting near 18,000′.

        Even if the more insane goals never come to fruition, MCP has a new place to throw James’ $. It worries me for their “mid-tier” resorts; Lee Canyon, Hesperus, Nordic, and Willamette Pass. A new replacement lift in America just doesn’t hit like a new vertical or acreage bump in their big new hyped destination. AZ Snowbowl, Purgatory, and Brian Head could always use new stuff, but they’re all pretty well set to continue being the revenue makers.


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